Thread: Mieruko-chan
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Old 2020-06-03, 00:06   Link #17
Mystic Musician
Join Date: Jul 2015
I didn't know there was a thread. Great! Its a pretty good series. It has me on my seat. This thread needs a picture on the first post btw.
Very detailed and thrilling.
IMO it's like the author took elements from Odd Thomas, Six Sense and Corpse Party.

Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
If they would want to eat her why protect her three times?
Let me answer some of your questions, when she went to the shrine she prayed THREE times. You can check that chapter.

I think they want something else from Miko, either possess her or they want her do do some deeds for them they can't do as spirits in the real world. Like taking care of their shrine for example.
I agree.
She made an offering and was granted 3 failsafes.
But what after they're now gone?
They can pull a Devil's Deal on her as she needs help and persuade her into accepting a "We'll help you without offerings but you'll have to pay tenfold" and that would explain why they're still following her, waiting for the opportunity to rise.

Let's not forget that Baba might have a wrong idea about some ghosts similar to how Julia can't see the real scary ones either and only the small stuff so her idea of ghosts isn't quite up o the reality Miko faces daily.
Baba can help with her knowledge. Even if she doesnt hae the same level of spiritual perception she has wisdom.
For example
Spoiler for BIG SPOILER:

Also, the foxes are stalking MC. Her future looks gray.
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