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Old 2008-11-08, 15:57   Link #17
Dreamer King
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: lost - with no intention to be found...
Age: 38
Yea, thanks for the suggestions so far.

Though remember I would like it limited to animated series and ones that have it on a fairly consistent level.

I heard that generally anime sacrifices animation fluidity for the sake of budget, where detailed character models and backgrounds are much less expensive than detailed, fluid motion. Also that generally they use 8 frames per second while other non-anime animation generally use 12 frames per second. So, while many people believe that the detailed character models and backgrounds indicates good animation, when in reality, it's just a consolation of money saved from choppy animation.

I know there are heaps of animes that obviously very choppy, but of the ones already mentioned some people will still say while look great are not the best animated animations there are. I am no animation buff so I dont know how valid that statement is. Anyone know more info about this?

So yea, I am looking for an anime series that is fluidly impressive throughout the series, so there isnt any, "oh well that scene was great but every ep after was...meh" and that totally shatters that hypothesis without a shred of doubt. ....if possible

Also, while someone already mentioned 5 Centimeters per Second, I know visually it was crack for the eyes and the detail background and colour are simply jaw dropping; animation-wise it wasnt that impressive. Obviously the genre didnt lend it self to show how good its animation could be, but as is - it wouldnt be a good example Im looking for. Animation as in fluidity of movement.

Last edited by Waking_Dreamer; 2008-11-08 at 17:06.
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