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Old 2010-11-29, 16:22   Link #179
SHSL Lurker
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Academy City
Originally Posted by Himeji View Post
Suuure, because workers run around in shirts that are at least three numbers too small
If she really thinks that's a good disguise, she's a quite dimwitted bimbo
When Touma touched her, some kind of magic was neutralised - probably that was some magic she used to make people ignore her in her attention attracting outfit and her suspicious package. That way, she would indeed be in trouble if it was dispelled and people start noticing her because she's sticking out like a sore thumb.
Actually, I thought it was quite successful. People wouldn't assume "Oh, she's a magician transporting a dangerous artifact that can be used to start a war." They would be too distracted by her beauty and her revealing body to notice anything weird about her. Since the Daihasei is a huge event, there would be more people needed to help out, so she would fit right in. Nobody would be suspicious of that package since they would just think it was a billboard or a poster of some sort she's carrying around to put up somewhere.

Oriana specializes in magic used to run away. You'll see more of that later on.
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