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Old 2010-06-03, 15:37   Link #246
The One Eyed King
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lurking Up Ahead
Originally Posted by MalakTawus View Post
I absolutely don't agree.
Irene's arm is better than Teresa's one, the only reason that Teresa is stronger is because well,she IS a lot stronger than Irene,that's all.
Said that,it's absolutely false that Irene's arm is not special,infact that arm is definitely the most trained and fastest of all.
Anyway it's not simple speculation that Irene's arm was fastest than Teresa's,it's even mentioned in the official data about the warriors.
Saying that Teresa's arm matched Irene's one is also false,the reason that Teresa was able to control easily their battle was because except for speed she was the best in everything else and because she had the "prediction ability".
In conclusion Irene's arm is the best arm 'cause it's by far the most trained arm for speed-techniques that Claire uses,the QS is not a simple matter of yoki power and mind control,you also need a well trained arm (and if you consider that Claire also spent all the 7 years to train it...).
Look I agree that Irene's arm is likely faster if you only consider its speed compared to the yoki. So Irene's arm has got an upper limit to its potential, when Teresa's arm is that of a goddess. Once Clare reaches that limit with the arm it will be a pain to level it anywhere near Teresa's level, let alone AB Priscilla level. So it would be far more expedient for Clare to ditch the arm and just train a Teresa arm to be as fast as as Irene's arm. Or have Teresa's body merge with Irene's arm to boost its stats.

Next off Irene's databook entry hasn't been translated to English yet, so if your volunteering to do it be my guest. I'd love to read it when your done. Clearly it will mention her quicksword technique but does it implicitly stat that her arm is unique or just how she uses it. Plus I recall no mention of Teresa being stated as slower in it. BTW we all know how severely the org underestimated Teresa so why should I believe Irene was actually faster from a data source that was written prior to that discovery. Not to mention that Clare could do the technique herself with her own arm but was too passionate to master her yoki flow, which has nothing to to with her arm .

Also Joe_fl said it very well, if Teresa was only predicting Irene's attacks but moving at a slower speed then many of Irene's attacks would have gotten through. However Irene even powerup and wasn't able to land a single blow to Teresa's body... in a 4 on 1 fight. So clearly Teresa's power gave her arm a far faster speed than Irene with the quicksword. Look I'm not arguing that Teresa was using a technique that rivaled Irene... in fact the inverse, that Irene was using a technique that made everyone think she had a faster sword. Now Irene's technique was superior to Teresa's but the gap was so vast between them that it mattered not.

Please recall quicksword is a technique that many can learn, though mastering is debatable. It's not a special ability due do a unique body part or warrior type like drill sword or regeneration. Clare's body seemed to hand the quicksword just fine, implying Teresa could use it too if she so felt, but it was Clare's passion that caused her to lose control of her yoki flow thus making her unable to master the technique.

So in the end the arm of Irene doesn't offer Clare much advantage other than keeping her emotions in check. Teresa's arm, or should I say Clare's arm infected by Teresa , seems like it has far more potential and no weakness. It's only Clare's emotions but if she's can't awaken (or has mastered it) than she doesn't need to keep them in check anymore and then no longer has any need of it. Thus freeing her to return the arm (and likely get a really bad memory of Raphaela killing her that might cause Clare to break down and cry. Though even if dead I still suspect Clare will keep her promise and return the arm. )
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