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Old 2008-09-29, 06:46   Link #32
Mr Hat and Clogs
Did someone call a doctor
Join Date: Apr 2007
Age: 40
But I will say one thing. Since the WoWyota commercial was voted as the People's Choice for Best Commercial of 2007 (as in best commercial in the US that year from all commercials), I don't think it's dead yet.
What commercial was that? the 4 wheels of fury one?

Hmm I doubt WoW will be dieing for a while yet, even if they have HALF of what they claim to have at the moment, its still four times more then the second running MMO can claim to have.

I've been playing WoW since release day, before that I played EQ for five or six years. I love playing computer games but once I started on MMO's single player games just couldn't hold my attention for nearly as long. I've tried most MMO's that have come out over time, but I just always get drawn back to WoW. Say what you will about WoW it runs a lot smoother overall then most other MMO's. I'm still waiting to try Warhammer though, just can't get it in my town at the moment.

Molten Bore, could have been an instance in Everyquest. But I will admit the first time I heard "Behold Ragnaros the Firelord, he who was ancient when this world was young. Bow before him mortals, bow before your ending" followed by the booming baritone of "TOO SOON! YOU HAVE AWAKENED ME TO SOON, EXECUTUS..." (I won't recite the rest, but I could) I will admit I was thoroughly impressed, and that speech till this day remains one of my most enjoyable gaming experiences. For the rest of the instances, BWL become my guilds fallback-lets-make-money-while-we-raid instance. AQ, was good but it was a bit of a whore with Australian pings on the Emperors, and C'thun was an awesome encounter. Naxx, yes, has been the best instance Blizzard has released in the game as of yet.

BC fixed a lot of problems, but it also caused a lot. It made hybrids and off-specs a lot more raid friendly, but it didn't quite achieve the goal it set out to do. But it promoted raid stacking to the ninth degree in the end-game (6 shaman seriously, wtf). As for arena's a lot of people enjoy that and I will freely admit its not my cup of tea, but its popularity really can't be denied. As for lore in TBC, I swear they took parts of it out the back and beat it to death with a baseball bat, the immersion didn't quite seem to be there. Overall TBC didn't really, shine Outland felt... dull. There were some pretty good raid encounters though, Illidan was a lot of fun for example.

WOTLK, I've got some hopes for it, I've been lucky enough to experience the Beta and it is a lot more interesting then TBC, for starters the lore doesn't suck. History of the Dwarfs, Humans and Gnomes and other Titan lore, Old Gods, Dragons and finally Arthas the Lich King with a conclusion to the Frozen Throne. There are some very interesting quests to, and the phase stuff is really interesting. Without explaining all the stuff in the expansion (Im not really up to it and you will get sick of hearing it), Blizzard has vastly improved over what they initially set out with in TBC lots of the mistakes are fixed it seems. There will be plenty for the Casual and Hardcore the PvPers and the Raiders to do.. well at least for the first 6 months I guess maybe longer, just depends how you enjoy the game.
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