Thread: Brexit Vote
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Old 2016-06-23, 20:07   Link #14
Licensed Hunter-a-holic
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 35
Very much remain.

I have listened to both sides of the issue and come to the conclusion much like I did during the Scottish vote for Independence, that it was some political leaders trying to appeal to the worst populist ideas in order to gain some favours and publicity for their platforms, with little to no care about what happens on the off chance they win.

There were a many reasons to no longer want to be part of EU. There are a lot of compelling reasons to look at our relationship with the continent and see if we could reexamine how we are meant to approach them in the future. There are a number of good reasons why the leadership in the EU and the direction it had taken in recent years is seen with such distrust. And there are absolutely great reasons where the UK should be looking hard at itself to see where it went wrong to have gotten in this sorry position.

Those reasons were not presented during the debates and PR the Leave campaign had arranged. If anything, they made it clear that someone like me would no longer be welcome in the UK, due to my family, or my friends, or if I married and had children, because they wouldn't be pure blooded enough to be part of this supposed Great Britain Leave people have drawn in their dreams.

But even putting my own feelings aside I just can't agree to throw, not only the nation -because the UK getting out of the EU will make things undoubtedly worse- but also possibly the world as well, just to appease Farage and freaking Boris Johnson on their quest to show how much they can stick it to the man.

What pisses me off is that I'm rewarding David Cameron's idiotic gamble. Fucking hell.

Originally Posted by Haak View Post
I just find it sad the we had this referendum for all the wrong reasons. There is a legitimate case to made of questioning our membership of the EU but immigration isn't it.
It was the worst way to frame the Leave movement after immigration, but considering the core base of the BNP, UKIP and B1, it was always going to be a major appeal to Leave voters and leaders. It's like people in the EU are trying to funnel Eastern Europeans and Muslims into the UK as a way to drown the island.

But yes, for all the good the EU does, there should have been a genuine debate on whether or not we should remain a member for reasons much important than immigration. The reason for the existence of the EU might be to stop a theoretical 3rd attempt to burn the world, but that doesn't excuse the sort of shoddy and embarrassing way it's been run thus far.
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