Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Kotoura-san
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Old 2013-01-11, 01:52   Link #47
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Join Date: Feb 2011
While those who claim that the drama was quite tad bit over-exaggerated may indeed have a point, at the same time , the first episode of Kotoura-San deconstructs the concept of Mind-reading powerfully, and thought-provokingly, though not as deep as it could be.

However, I am quite surprised that Kotoura was unable to master the art of keeping silent, until I realized that she has not been really very socially exposed, and the concept of hiding your thoughts is quite alien to her. Seeing her rather undiplomatic responses (and there were many ways to make her point in a less socially antagonistic way) was to me, demonstration of her clumsy attempt to utilize an alien concept.

Secondly, when viewed from the light that she is deliberately pushing people away , those actions between 8 -12 minutes make more sense. It's not that she is unaware of the effects of exposing the thoughts of others, it's just that since she never has any Social Engagement of people her age that when well, she thinks she will definitely push people away even if she tries not to, so screw it.

What the main male MC is proposing is a shift away from that perspective. When the Male MC advises her not to be so blunt of what she sees in others, he is arguing that self-control is worth it. On top of that, if other's reject you over such reasons, then they aren't human beings really worth knowing anyway. Furthermore, he offers to be the first person to show that there are indeed humans who will sincerely still be comfortable with you.

Actually, I suspect it's very much a case of maturity levels. The Manabe a few years ago may not have that kind of maturity to deal with Kotorau. Whatever his outward foppishness, actually, Manabe impresses me.
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