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Old 2013-01-19, 16:39   Link #27
Miria's #1 Disciple
Join Date: Apr 2007
The thing is, the shipping in the manga is extremely one sided for NatsuxLucy. The most Lucy gives is an occasional blush when Natsu makes a careless comment here or there.

Since when has Natsu blushed around Lucy, since when has he shown anything more then friendship towards her? He worries about Lucy often because she tends to get in trouble, and he also formed a team with her, so she is effectively in the same bracket as Happy (a partner). Heck, he picked Happy over her for the S class exam.

Just because he is friendly towards her doesn't mean he is interested in her romantically.

If you think he only gives Lucy that sort of attention, he has done the same for Erza in multiple arcs (Tower of Heaven, Nirvana), and when he first reunited with Lisana in Edolas his reaction was rather extreme as well, he practically glomped her on sight, though the reaction is understandable.

and of course Lisana will focus on her siblings, they have thought her dead for a number of years and they are her family, so of course she wants to spend time with them.

Also, the shipping of LucyxNatsu in the anime is far greater then the manga, as an avid reader/watcher of both, I can say that without a doubt. Many of the filler scenes tease it without remorse, adding an entirely different dynamic to what we see in the manga. Just look at the latest OVA and compare it to the chapter in the manga.

Mashima isn't the sort for subtlety in this sort of thing, just read Rave Master. The romantic feelings were very obvious, and had a lot of spotlight.

Just compare the two obvious couples I mentioned before. Jellal x Erza has been focused on very often over multiple arcs, Juvia's obsession with Gray is far from a secret. Heck, even Gajeel x Levy is far from subtle.

In comparison, Lucy x Natsu is far more subdued in the manga, and Natsu's past with Lisana gives us more shipping fodder then almost the entirety of the manga to that point gave Lucy. It is part of the reason the back story with Lisana struck everyone as so interesting/tragic, people wanted to know more about her not just because of her relation to Mirajane and Elfman, but her relationship with Natsu.
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