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Old 2010-12-11, 14:53   Link #109
Sabaku Kyu
The Ironman
Join Date: Sep 2006
Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
I'll admit it's been years since I saw the original series, so I can only blame my bad memory if I'm mistaken.
The original series doesn't actually follow the manga story that closely since it overtook the manga, it's the new series that's more faithful. Still, nothing bad about your memory, just pointing out that we're talking about two different (Edo Tensei vs FMA's alchemy) but similar concepts.

Originally Posted by Slayerx View Post
thought still, even if both techniques followed the same principle of sacrificing very little to get something powerful in return, it would not matter... It does not give edo tensei anykind of excuse or free pass; it just means that Fushi Tensei commits the same crime. though i guess you could give Kishi credit for being consistant
Excuse for what? We saw Pain's Shounten no justu take two random joe's and give them the weapons, abilities, personality and bodies of two much more powerful ninja. They were limited by a lack of chakra compared to the originals but they were, for all intents and purposes, exact copies.

Edo Tensei is the same way. This isn't someone using their abilities in a different body. The sacrifice is basically just a skeleton. The ash shroud that surrounds them is transformed into the physical body of the summoned person, similar to how a bijuu chakra shroud transforms into the physical body of the demon even though the jinchuuriki still exists in the core. Nothing about Edo Tensei really violates any kind of internal logic set by Kishi in the story. It's just incredibly broken jutsu.

Though if that were the case then i might ask why Oro wasn't smart enough to figure out a way to adapt the technique for himself... i mean if he can keep a soul anchored to the earth and that in and of itself means that the body that contains that soul will always be automatically recreated, then there's his key to immortality... he just anchor's his soul to his own body and then he has a never dying and always regenerating body
That would mean placing enough trust in someone to resurrect him with the jutsu. Oro never fully trusted anyone, not even Kabuto.

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