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Old 2016-03-21, 16:52   Link #10
Join Date: Feb 2016
One thing that's always bugged me about the LN - in that, Lise confessed to Theodor that she was a Stasi spy before the big defensive, but said she would leave the Stasi and fight for the 666th. Theodor simply believed Lise and never told anyone, even Irisdina. Not telling Lise's true nature without proof is one thing. But Lise straight out told him! And Theodor doesn't tell Irisdina?! What the heck is that meant to say about how he feels about Irisdina? If Theodor truly did care about Irisdina, he'd have told her about Lise in a heartbeat. I don't care what you say - the fact Theodor - as he usually does - did nothing at the critical moment - that pretty much tears apart whatever happened between them. If Irisdina is his one source of hope and the one he wants to follow, then he wouldn't do such a thing....Why did you think the director of the anime changed that so the reveal happened when the Werewolves made their move? Because it made far more sense, gave Lise more impact and didn't cause the damage to Theodor and Irisdina that the original reveal did.
Its understandable why though, for example if your brother take drug/illegal thing and upon finding out yourself, he promise to quit/stop, you wont tell your parent/police. bottom line is family will cover up for your wrong doing especially when they promise to change, to protect them. realistically, i probably would have done the same.
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