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Old 2012-12-20, 17:33   Link #73
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
The light novels reveal that Haruyuki actually preferred to beat games in tricky, clever, pragmatic ways.

For example, the kind of strategy KYH outlined for his rematch with Ash Roller, where he would make one sneak attack, run away, and either wait for Time Out or beat Ash Roller in a place where Silver Crow had the advantage.

If that's how Haru really preferred to win, it would seem he ought to have been Yellow. Combined with his preferrence for First Person Shooters, perhaps Orange.

Yet he ends up with an avatar based around pure power in the form of linear speed. Flight gives him unlimited three-dimensional manuvering, but he must always attack directly, in a straight line, at maximum speed. It's very straightforward, very predictable, and very inflexible in terms of strategy.

Moreover, he ends up with a Metallic Color, which specialize by Damage Resistances rather than by abilities. There's no apparent reason why, since there's no identifiable criteria for why a person would qualify for a Metallic Color as opposed to a Chromatic one.

That is, as far as I can tell, Silver Crow could have easily been "Sky Blue" like Raker, or "Blue Green" like Ash Roller.

The novels also reveal that Haru's home has been virtually empty for more than two years, with his father abandoning him and his mother, and his mother "checking out" on Haru as an alchoholic.

It's bizarre that the psychological scarring of this home situation is ignored to focus purely on the scarring Haru recieved from his peers.
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