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Old 2009-11-01, 06:01   Link #5
Beautiful fighter.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: England, UK
Age: 37
Not nearly as good as it could have been, though i still enjoyed it. Then again it was just worth it for Kimbley, seeing Hughes again, and the two very fitting eyecatches.

I broke down during Armstrong's scene, like i did in the manga. The whole Ishbal flashback arc in the manga was one very powerful, emotional experience, though i find with this episode that the Armstrong scene was the only one that captured that. A shame really. There's no excuse as to why anime only watchers can't go pick up volume 15, and read the Ishbal arc.

I guess cutting up the Ishbal arc did effect it.

Like what they tried to do with the epilogue, though it kinda fails because of the preview for episode 31.
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