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Old 2007-10-15, 19:42   Link #20
Miria's #1 Disciple
Join Date: Apr 2007
Originally Posted by Sassarai View Post
Teresa just said "you could of wounded me." Take that line however you want to I guess but the fact is that they got WHOOPEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD easily EASILY. Meh organization is in a panic is just a bad excuse . All the male ABs, Riful, Easley, Lucela, etc they have been in worst situations. From what Irene said Ill just take it as they underestimated her by a lot.

"I was sure the four of us could take her. I misjudged her again. And yet she still hasnt released her yoma powers." ( While all of them released theirs already)
Teresa was bleeding from the head because of her fight with Rosemary, and afterwards Teresa destroyed her with her almighty haxxorness, so she was the clear winner, yes, but she was not uninjured.

And if I were the Organization I would panic too, they very likely knew Teresa's strength, and that would make the situation potentially worse then any of those that you mentioned, because if Teresa awakened she would be more powerful then any of the forementioned threats.

It is also mentioned that Priscilla was ideal for fighting Teresa because Teresa could not detect her Yoki, but we all know that plan went straight to hell when Priscilla gave herself away and they all released Yoki in hopes of overwhelming her (and thus screwing themselves even more.)

Interesting enough Hilda (No.6) has a so much more powerful Yoki level compared to Ophelai (No.4) of her time. Awakening seems to have disproportionately increased that stat of hers so I'd say she hasnt seen her haydays prior to her awakening and could have become a top 5 warrior, hence why her complete Yoki potential was unleashed upon awakening.
I noticed that myself, seems quite likely that you are correct and she was quite a great deal stronger then we were led to believe by her rank, or all Awakenings are not equal.
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