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Old 2012-02-13, 10:32   Link #83
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: United States of America
Age: 32
I can't begin to fathom how you teared up over Anohana but then put down so many better shows - better overall and in the emotional department - so harshly ;_; But then again, you rate code geass with five stars while drop Aoi Bungaku () when the latter is just about as good as it gets when it comes to anime that can make a grown man tear up

Spoiler for that which made me convulse in rage:

I don't even what to say. To each his own I guess.

Regardless, I am a man, now 20 years old, approaching 21, and the last time I shed actual tears was when I was 12 and I don't remember the reason (was something stupid). I am bipolar and suffer from chronic anxiety and depression (I really think my hunting down those works of fiction that put me on emotional turmoil helped a great deal ) but despite all that, I haven't shed a single tear due to an anime till this date. The closest they get is to producing a feeling like my heart is clenched in claws and my throat is dry.

I find that whether or not an anime makes me feel that way also depends on my mood before I watch it. You may want to watch anime when you're aggravated and dissatisfied with life if you really want to get close to absolute emotional turmoil but I have sincere doubts that you'd even watch the shows then. You'd most likely just drop them

Anyway, here are my suggestions:

Aoi Bungaku. Yes I know you dropped this. I am still gonna recommend it anyway. All of the adaptations are as emotionally involving as anything in anime get, especially No Longer Human and Kokoro. You should seriously force yourself to re-watch this show.

Honey and Clover. Another show you dropped. And on episode 1. This is exactly the kind of show you shouldn't be dropping after one episode and is exactly the type of show you are asking for here.

Hourou Musuko Yep, another one you dropped. This is definitely not a conventional anime but it's definitely an emotionally involving anime and among the top of the class at that.

Mawaru PenguinDrum. Yet another show you dropped, again after one episode. While not a conventional tearjerker, it has its sad moments. You'll have to stomach surreal details and over the top direction.

Since it seems that you either rated the shows that I find to be the cream of the crop when it comes to what you are asking very low (Haibane Renmei gets one star while you tear up over AnoHana ... FML) or flat out dropped them, I am gonna stop >_>. Do please try to re-watch and complete at least the shows I listed so far. You are seriously missing out. I have no idea how you came to like Now and then, here and there given your attitude towards these other shows.

Actually, I have a question. When exactly did you start watching anime? I am getting the feeling that you didn't start that long ago. (Sorting by year does so based on the year the show was produced and not when you watched it, unless I am mistaken?)

Spoiler for FINAL RAGE:
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