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Old 2012-12-18, 21:09   Link #6689
Manus ad Ferrum
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Costa Rica
Age: 33
I think the Hucks, and any other Nanoha villain for that matter, are really bad on their jobs.

I mean they are on the average/bland side of things because most of the time they don’t really have that much of a personality. Jail for once was really boring and chaotic on his motives, actions and overall execution. He is just kind of there but I don’t feel he is that important or impressive. He IS the villain but nothing really comes out from him, maybe because how bland he is.

The Huckebein actually suck as a villain group because they are the generic anti-villain group as Akiyoshi says but even when you come down to each of them there isn’t really anything: Curren is too much like Jail moving between a real badass and a motherly villain she is like Precia and Quattro combine and that is not a good sing. She is better than Jail, but that isn’t saying much. The rest are generic at best .With the Grendel the least I say the better
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