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Old 2012-01-11, 22:59   Link #3833
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Originally Posted by Mareike View Post
No, my point with citing Noin as an example is that she disliked war, too. From the very start, she's never been fond of fighting yet she does it because she has to.

Cathy may have felt that she had to be involved. According to Sumizawa anyway.
According to Sumizawa, Traize's mother kissed him like she would a lover, a resource satellite belonging to Quatre mysteriously had 4 gundams (you'd think he would know what was in his possession), and it seems like Noin and Zechs are on opposite sides of this struggle that I can't seem to understand why it even started.

Besides, Noin didn't dislike war, she just thought that people who died during battles were not well prepared/ trained correctly. And anyways, she fought because:
1- she wanted revenge for Lake Victoria Base
2- she would follow Zechs ANYWHERE
There was never a great talent without a bit of insanity.

I don't think I've ever seen so much nonsense in so little space. -FalsePrime

Stone Age man attempted to draw movement on cave walls by drawing mammoths with multiple legs. The artists worked until their eyes went bad, they got no pay, no credit, and they were eventually eaten by wild animals. Animation was born! - Tom Sito

And as the Black Beast lurched forward, escape for Arthur and his knights seemed hopeless, when suddenly, the animator suffered a fatal heart attack! The cartoon peril was no more. The quest for the Holy Grail could continue. - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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