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Old 2010-09-28, 18:11   Link #13
Pilot in Training
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
Anime will be the least of our concerns as global citizens if the ACTA is passed, this thing is so full of corporatist evil (assuming that even half of what the leaks about this highly secretive document contain are true). It simply does not serve the interests of the general public or even of the creative artists - its a stranglehold by the middlemen that criminalizes and provides no recourse.

Tsuyoshi, the "US" is being used as a tool by these multi-national corporations (e.g. Sony, Disney, the consortiums behind the MPAA/RIAA) to force the world's consumers into little revenue-extracting buckets and protect by force existing business models. Australia and the EU government are being likewise manipulated (amongst others). So target your wrath precisely
Yes I know it will affect more than anime, but I assumed that is what people would care about on here. Honestly though, short of revolutions, there isn't much anyone can do. The Western world is controlled by corporations. Politicians get kickbacks and payments from them to pass legislation that favours politicians. Governments simply don't care about the rights of its citizens.

I had always assumed that the casual anime fan(Such as myself) would eventually be forced out of the unlicensed shows. I knew that torrent sites, translation groups, etc. would eventually be shut down. I know hardcore fans will be able to get passed, but I am not tech saavy enough to know how to do such things. I mean, stuff like IRC confuses the hell out of me. Every time I've ever tried to use it, I get banned, lol.

Even for the fans in the know, they can be slowed. If list sites such as andb or baka manga are taken down, you might not even know what you want to watch/read or how to even find a group translating it.

Luckily for me, I have actually been losing interest in most new shows/manga and am actually only following a few older ones until they finish. I guess then it is time to find a new hobby.
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