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Old 2010-04-19, 21:57   Link #6
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
Originally Posted by signorRossi View Post
Might I ask you what he point of this series is?
The background art is good, the character design isn't awful either (although not exactly my taste), but isn't the dialogue actually only boring?
Just asking, no offence meant.
Have you seen episode 4?

The dialogue was a bit boring in episode 2 I'll admit, but 3 was interesting and 4... The 4th episode started as then before becoming and then followed by .

(The trailer for the 4th episode was also an epic troll - truly you should never trust a trailer. But the actual episode was so.... mentally disturbing that it was hard to care).

Consider that I hardly ever use emoticons, but felt compelled to in describing episode 4.

I get the feeling that the point of the series is:

1: Deconstruct the "Tarzan" (innocent man raised in the wild) concept, thus the first couple episodes seem to play it straight before starting to hit you with the deconstruction.

2: Make dry, snarky, 4th wall breaking comments while providing some good fight scenes.

Cross Game - A Story of Love, Life, Death - and Baseball. What more could you want?
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