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Old 2012-07-01, 03:47   Link #3082
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Originally Posted by Sakanaka Shouko View Post
She is not to blame. After all, she was just a kid.
It's not just that she was a kid, she donated her DNA to cure other kids, there was never any malice in her. Even adults give their blood as donation for transfusions... if their blood was used for ill purposes it would not be their fault, just as how they should not have to bear the guilt of crimes committed by people saved with their blood... It's just ridiculous.

Accelerator on the other hand, even if manipulated, continued to kill the clones even after growing up, all while lying himself about their nature as human beings. His guilt is very different from the guilt Mikoto feels. To illustrate the difference let's take a classic example: A tired driver crashes against a couple in a car and the passenger dies. The tired driver will blame himself for killing someone while the other driver will blame himself for being unable to avoid the crash or not taking a different road. (And this comparison is taking it light on Accelerator)

Perhaps Accelerator never really meant to kill anyone originally, as he just wanted to be left in peace. But nonetheless he did kill thousands. Mikoto simply failed to prevent those deaths (not that she ever stood a chance to prevent them)

... Ok, that's enough for my rant.
Originally Posted by Destined_Fate View Post
If anyone is bias it's you trying to twist Mikoto into a villian when she was completely in the right in trying to end the project and give her Sister's something to live for other than dying at the hands of Accelerator.

... I don't get how would anyone say Mikoto is as responsible for the tragedies as Accelerator... perhaps I just fell for a troll comment.
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