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Old 2014-12-12, 13:22   Link #42
Dragon God
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Beyond the stars turning left and after passing by a Super Nova enter the Black Hole. House N°∞
I'm not too fond of VRMMO anime to begin with, but I did watch the entire show. So here I go:

The MC is utterly useless and annoying. The guy was crying from the start to the end of the anime. I just can't stand this guy. I hate useless and spineless people, whom the only thing they can do is lament and cry over their uselessness.

I have a few FAT friends and most of them are respectable people who have at least one good point about them, and they do have girlfriends and wives. So I don't have a problem with the MC being fat, but I really can't come to understand how could a girl be even remotely attracted to Haru, much less 2. He's LAME to the core of his soul. He's so pathetic that it's actually hard to even feel for him.

Music: 9/10
VA: 9/10
Plot: 7/10 => was actually fairly interesting despite the VRMMO setting.
Characters: -10/10 => only likable character was Kuroyuki, only.
Now for my overall impression of this anime: 3.75/10.

The anime itself was fairly good, but the MC just killed the show for me. I lost all drive to even think about reading the LN or watching a possible 2nd season.

Originally Posted by Miraluka View Post
Some people tend to hate what they're deep inside.
I think it's rather the opposite. Some people tend to hate what they will never be able to become.

Because if we go by your logic, then we would have a lot of Gary Stu in our society, and the World would be a better place.

You see, we can't even have a smart MC that you can already see people bashing and screaming Gary Stu Gary Stu, all over the place.
Heck, there's people who call Kirito a Gary Stu. YES KIRITO, that emotional wreck that functions purely on Deus Ex Machina. Let's change his name to Gary Kirito Stu, since that always there's a Gary Stu discussion, Kirito's name always pops up.

PS: I don't like Kirito either. But, at the very least, he's much better than Haru. The only other MCs that managed to annoy me as much as Haru were: Makoto(School Days) and Shinji(Evangellion).
"Now, let’s open the curtains on our play.
A hell fire banquet of fear and madness, where even the ashes will be burnt to nothing!
" - One of 72 Demon Gods of Solomon, The Demon God Belial

Last edited by Ophis; 2014-12-12 at 14:09.
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