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Old 2012-03-28, 14:10   Link #5
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Join Date: Dec 2005
"What you learn from hearsay is that he never took part in battles. Some even insulted him and treated him like a mere Sekikan."

No clue what a Sekikan is, but it seems that Kubo is basically saying EXACTLY what every single one of his readers were thinking. Honestly Kubo, trying to make that fodder seem badass posthumous is just pathetic. We saw him get KO'd by Ichigo with his bare hands; the guy was pathetic, no where near the level of a captain.

For this kind of thing, he should have never gotten KO'd in such a fashion, but instead his non-involvement be the set up for the big surprise for when he finally does let loose... What's really sad is knowing that Kubo has managed to do this already with Unohana... she has barely done a thing and yet everyone anticipates her first fight because we have come under the impression that she's a badass. What makes it even sadder is the fact that he was secretly a badass could have been very interesting if his suckage was not ever established; i mean it sorta makes sence that the right hand man of the Captain commander would be Captain level; there's plenty that could have been done... but no, his high status is just a paint job.

Not to mention the fact that Sasakibe's story is very similar to what Kubo already did with Ikkaku with only a very slight difference in their motivations. Though even Ikkaku I do not feel was all that good due to the fact that his fight with Ichigo was not at all impressive and really nails him down as VC level and not quite captain material even if he did have a bankai.

Really, i think Kubo put himself in a corner. He wanted to hype up his antagonists but at the same time did not want to reveal anything of what they can do. The best way to hype them up would be to kill a captain, but since he did not want to reveal the antagonist's abilities that would mean it would have to be an off screen death and even Kubo realized the fans would get pissed if he gave a character an off screen death. So his solution? Take his most worthless, undeveloped character, with a non-existent fanbase, sacrifice him for the plot, and then paint up his corpse to LOOK like that of a captain. Seriously, this is a guy who never even got the chance to reveal his shikai power much less his bankai.

Originally Posted by goshin
I wonder why it's so important to have ichigo's bankai, I hope/think that has to do with ichigo's father, maybe since ichigo is the first person to have used final getsuga tenshou and not only has powers back, can use bankai again.
I don't think they said it is necessarily important for them to get Ichigo's Bankai in particular... they are really just acknowledging that there is a flaw in their bankai sealing method. Like any Captain they would see Ichigo as a threat and obstacle and thus would want to eliminate him, but for some reason their methods failed, and they'll have to deal with him another way.

Though i would not put it past Kubo for him to make Ichigo into something special...

oh, in other news, we have psudo-confrimation that Stark is dead...
Y'know unless Kubo changes his mind by later saying that Hollows just THOUGHT he was dead.
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