Thread: Beelzebub
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Old 2011-11-20, 11:10   Link #2408
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by Bonta Kun View Post
She'd probably be able to deal with En's outburst much better than the other 3 as well.
yeah right... she was not able to stop beel cry at the chapter 1 as she just arrived and was not burdened with humans so far.... and beel is just a baby...

nor she was able to stop en's crying alnone with yolda,isabela and rest..... oga...fruroichi sing !.... only the game console was able to stop his cry

and in past chapters she said that no one can stop a demon lords cry if it starts....

I doubt that hilda would be able to stop en's crying... if she had no memories... she woudlnt know how or she would forget who she was and what she learned... how to fight and such.... the much how to stop a demon lord crying.... it simply doesnt make sense on wiping her memories out

its more that they need someone with huge boobs for en can hug to them whenever he wants it like a pillow....or have somone to get him obidiently drinks and stuff like a slave...

if hilda loses memories.... oga will get pissed....they will beat the crap out of guess is taht he would even hit En... becouse of him this happened and becouse of him hilda lost memories so this enought might make him hit en or at least get him over his knees and hit his ass hard (like he did with lamia xD) till he appologizes and thinks of a way to get hilda to how she was...

but damn... salamander is gona die if hilda loses her memories...oga wont forgive....and without hilda oga mostly wont be able to get back home as his sister and parents would kill him xD

my prediction for future chapters is that hilda loses her memories or at least most of them... but she doesnt become en's wet nurse.... they get home so yolda, isabela along with others... will think of a way to bring her memories back (yolda might kinda help hilda right now to pay her back)...since we dont know if the memory burning is permament or if they can regain them somehow...
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