Thread: Licensed Akame ga kill [Manga]
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Old 2014-04-25, 05:43   Link #4288
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Originally Posted by Eisdrache View Post
Kurome had two fodder beasts, she said so herself.
Also scimitar guy was on maximum strength due to the full moon.
Not really sure what you're talking about regarding the clown. Lan with some help of Kurome's dolls easily takes him down. The only reason why he could counter-attack was that the clown is tougher than Lan expected.
It is debatable whether or not WH is stronger than Jaeger but on par with Esdese? Hilarious.
Silly excuses.
Fodder Beasts or not.Freaking irrelevant.There were still Doya and Natala who got wrecked with Kurome herself being hopeless overwhelmed.
Yeah Enshin was at max strength.Your point?He was at full power.That's precisely it.He wasn't at 50%, he wasn't at 30%, he was at his Peak.
Who the fuck said anything about the Clown being hard to take down?Don't make up shit.That only proves Lan underestimated him as you all did.Point was the Champ one shotted him.

Never did I say on par with Esdese, what the hell?

Even then, I wouldn't say they're above the Jaegers. Wave soloed Shura in a pure 1v1. I feel like if Lan had properly finished off Champ, him and Kurome would have had a great shot versus Idol and Pirate in a 2v2. A weakened Kurome alone fighting against both Pirate and Idol managed to connect with several of her attacks while avoiding both pirate and idols attacks until they both did their big attacks from opposite sides.

To be honest, it's kind of hard to tell how strong they are when a fair portion of deaths seem to come down to surprise attacks. Champ got dropped by Lan and Kurome's surprise attack. Lan got dropped by Champ's surprise attack who had survived. Cosmia got dropped by a surprise attack from Mine. etc.
A Fist fight 1 on 1.Let them dish it out with Teigu first.

Well yeah but he didn't.Great Job Lan.That only means he failed and underestimated the enemy.

Nope, they wouldn't.xDD
Kurome had no goddamn Dolls left.It would have been her and Lan vs Champ,Cosmina and Enshin.Result would have been the freaking same.

Connected with several of her attacks?She only landed one hit according to the Raw.And it only resulted in her getting pincered.
And even then, that doesn't change the fact Kurome was screwed.Overclassed and about to get annihilated.

Surprise attack doesn't matter, that only means Lan fucked up and did the same people here do.
And even if it was a surprise attack, Lan was one shotted.Nothing changes that.
And yeah, Cosmina got sniped by an surprise shot of Mein so what?
The point here is that Wild Hunt is superior to Jäger and this chapter has proven it.

Man, people really trying hard to undermine Wild Hunt here just because they don't like them for their actions.
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