Thread: Licensed Witchblade (2006)
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Old 2006-04-13, 01:48   Link #42
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
Since it is taking me long to download episode two, this is a perfect timing to disclose my first impression for WitchBlade.

Note: I know the comic by name, but I have neither read it nor seen the live-action TV series. This discussion I am applying on the anime solely by its own merits.

To be honest, the guy metamorphosizing to that horny, drill machine, monstrosity was just pretty lame and lack of creativity; GONZO you could do better on that department with the mutant creatures.
For WitchBlade, regards to the atmosphere and the doomsday scent, I'm more rooting for disturbing monster designs that would effectively pull out a WTF? ' ' face on me, and they shouldn't have shunned or casted aside the blood and gore quality of helpless police officers torned to shreds.

Come to think of the mutants in Guyver or the yokushu of Blood+, expecting something of the same caliber in WitchBlade. GONZO should not hold back with the gore fest for WitchBlade, I know it can fare well against either Guyver or Blood+ on that particular department.

Right now I'm warning you all not to expect anything dense or mind breaking as how the plot starts. Since this is somewhat of an original venture for GONZO, they will be just improvising stories at the beginning, so WitchBlade should not be taken seriously for now.
Wait until the show gets on road about midway or when hits the second half, that's likely that the anime will spin the plot for the better. GONZO miraculously salvaged Trinity Blood after the first third of the anime was not on par with plot content, but from the eighth episode until the end the story delivered.

WitchBlade should be taken as a joke or a commodity or just a guilty pleasure to indulge in it. I rather found the first showdown hilarious and filled with lol moments.

Someone mentioned earlier if WitchBlade won't be too much talk and too little action. Well, episode one progressed on that manner, and since we're talking about an anime niponisation of the comic book, I was imagining the plot to be like those of The Fugitive, the Incredible Hulk, Werewolf, & Renegade TV programs.
Masane and her daughter always on the run while being chased by NSWF, traveling from one spot to another throghout all of Japan and meeting strangers along the way on an episode per episode basis. Each character they meet has a personal conflict that sooner or later will drag Masane into, climaxing with Masane turning into WitchBlade to fix things up and then moving on to the next location.

However, I do not believe that would be case, 'cause it turns to be then WitchBlade will go downhill pretty fast on viewers.

For me WitchBlade is a guilty pleasure I'm indulging in it because of the following equation:

Mamiko Noto's voice + Sex crazed, bad mommy Masane in WitchBlade clad =
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