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Old 2011-08-05, 21:50   Link #567
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Originally Posted by hh707 View Post
After learning about Roxanne, Cassandra, and Hysteria, am I the only one that wants to know about the other 4? Hopefully yagi will reveal more about Licht, Sistina, Chloe, and Lutecia!!

Was this already asked?? Would Roxannes ability to erase her Yoki presence been effective against Teresa? Since, we don't really know a lot about it, does Roxanne have the ability to use her Yoki while preventing her opponents from seeing/tracking her yoki?? If so she would have been a better challenge for Teresa, right?
Nope, you're not the only one. Speculating about them was a bit fun back when their names were revealed in Scene 110. I'm particularly interested in Lutecia, because her nickname "the Universal" just seems cool; Chloe and Sistina, not so much. Chloe likely had immense strength, while Sistina probably had Teresa-like quasi-precognitive abilities. Licht's nickname has been the subject of many green jokes from me. Some have speculated he's male, though this would be proven false if indeed there was only one male generation as stipulated by some, so I've joked about the third arm being... Ah, you guys fill in the blanks. Haha!

It's unlikely Yagi will reveal more about them, though. If they get resurrected and each receive fairly long flashback sequences, I can't even begin to imagine the amount of ranting and "OMG, wers CLAIR?!!1!11!!" comments many fanboys/girls will spew out. The three resurrected ones are already receiving their share of disapproval.

Originally Posted by haegar View Post
possibly becasue they could despite their increased #1 level strength not beat an Abyssal without awakening, or danger thereof?
Yup, I agree. If they perceived that a warrior (likely No. 1) could potentially defeat an AO, then sending her over to kill the AOs carried far too much risk. The Organization likely considered the scenario that that particular warrior would end up awakening and become a new AO that's even more powerful than the one she managed to kill. There's also the worst case scenario of the warrior awakening before managing to kill the AO, adding to the number of ridiculously powerful ABs in the process.
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