Thread: Crunchyroll White Album (All Episodes, 1-26)
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Old 2009-04-01, 16:44   Link #1372
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Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
Probably so, but ask yourself: Do you see the current Yuki do that? Do you see Yuki throw a tantrum or make threats or posing an ultimatum? Really?
Well with this show it's hard to say how anyone would react since they're all so dysfunctional. I can say a normal person would probably be upset enough to not want to deal with someone that caused them a big pile of grief.

It seems to me that the relationship between Yuki and Touya is evading any common concept and classification. Remember what Touya once said about Yuki? "She's like air". She's his "everyday". I wouldn't be surprised if there never ever was any formal confession or going out decision between them. It just "happened". And when all of a sudden Touya dropped off the face of earth for 2-3 weeks, any normal relationship would have been in dire straits. When they suddenly ran into each other, they didn't even SPEAK.
It's clearly a dysfunctional (I'm probably going to have to use this word a lot ) relationship. It's also clear that they want to be together (assuming we can believe what they say to each other and other people) but there's some obstacles in their way. We were tossed into the show in mid relationship so I wouldn't want to make any assumptions about what went on before that. But considering that Yuki was ready to hop into the sack with Touya I'd say at least she considers it a fairly serious relationship. All of their friends seem to acknowledge them as boyfriend and girlfriend as well.

This Yuki running to Eiji with fire in her eyes, demanding Yayoi to be fired? I just don't see it - YET. And somehow my gut feeling wonders if Yayoi really ran such a huge risk, or if she might know Yuki better than we do.
Sure that's possible, but I'm reminded of the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". This is the kind of stuff that can make best friends into enemies.

Imagine Yuki confronting Yayoi whether what she heard (e.g. from Rina), namely that Yayoi and Touya were seen dating and even kissing was true. And Yayoi said "It was my duty to protect you from any distractions before your debut. And so, I took care of Touya, who was lonely. Was that wrong?"

How would you see Yuki react?
I'd see her being terribly hurt by the whole situation. That pain could manifest itself in different ways. I mean she just told the guy she loved him so I'd expect a backlash at least that strong. I can't really see her thanking Yayoi for banging her boyfriend though (honestly I can't see anyone doing that unless they're swingers or something).
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