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Old 2006-02-03, 03:51   Link #86
Join Date: Oct 2004
The opinion no talking back is sign of weakness is funny indeed. Then, CP9's leader is strongest in his organization, because he has the last word in the argument. Then, there is no need to fight. All they have to do is talking. Luffy can win 3 admirals instantly.

My speculation is that strongest guy is silver fox. He has best crew(the best sailors from all other crews), and they are all loyal to him. It meant he has the great leadership. His time slowing power is almost like time freezing. Plus he has good punch. He can own all opponents easily. What can his opponents when they can barely move. His weakness is he has ego problem, and it gives his opponents chance to beat him.

The second strongest guy would be that thunder guy. He can whip out entire world with thunder strike. Although the rubber man is immune to his thunder, he still causes the great damage to the rubber man. His thunder power is like telekinesis. It can move metals(ship, spike). It's very convenient when traveling.

The third strongest guys would be the sand pirate. Of course, there are other people who are stronger. However, few of them have proven their power in combat. So, other guys' power are intangible. The discussion of intangible will lead no where. The sand pirate is strong because he can destroy the country by desert storm. Not even Navy has such destructive power. He can dehydrate his opponents. He also uses poison in combat. It makes him hard to ignore.

The ice admiral would be #4. He can feeze the ocean. If Ace the fireuser has to fight him, he needs greater power. To stand the chance to be evenly match, the fireuser needs to cause the ocean boiled at least.

The #5 is Luffy. He's strong because he always make dashing come back.
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