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Old 2013-05-15, 16:03   Link #39
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2013
Mmmm I liked that chapter.

Finally the cannon fodder are being used in more tactical ways, rather than drinking naruto chakra and running around like headless chickens.

At first I was critical of Kishi's latest chapters but I got to hand it to him. Hes writing well so far.

Reason being I just realized that.

1) During Sasuke/Oro's interruption to visit the secret lair, all I could think was "I dont wanna see this crap!, show me the Naruto fight against Madara!"

2) Then he built up that "interruption" into a long slow (at times boring) backstory which finally resulted in the Kage's joining the fight and Sasuke/Oro switching sides. Now when he switches back to what I originally wanted (naruto army vs madara), all I could think was "I dont wanna see this crap! show me the Kages in action!"

That's a sign of good writing. When what you were previously anxious to see now seems less exiting, because even better setups have arrived. Even this lame Obito fight against Kakakshi might turn out birthing another intriguing angle that I'll want to see.

ps. I like Naruto's reaction to his dad. Shows naruto's growth. Hes not the goofy unawares kid he always was. Normally hed jump up and down with glee, and in the process get a bijuu bomb to his head when hes not paying attention. But you can tell that he had sensed Minato's chakra for a long time, and kept his emotions under wrap. He probably knows the other kage's are coming already.
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