Thread: Crunchyroll Hunter X Hunter Anime (2011)
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Old 2013-06-27, 10:50   Link #3211
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Join Date: Sep 2008
There's no way Killua is going to be calm, I think that's obvious.

But to think it was the best option he thought of the time, it is. It's not only his self-defense mechanism at work here, he also thought about what could have happen to Gon if Gon continued. While that decision looks impulsive, hesitation could have accompanied if he thought that is not the right option. Or worse, he could have just ran away without Gon.

And there's also Killua feeling like a coward afterwards. He betrayed Gon's intentions (Gon wouldn't run away) and leaving Kite behind. While he made the right decision, that decision is also a burden to him. It's a life and death choice, and while he did what he could, it's normal to think of "what-ifs" and other ways that could transpire.

It's funny, this also connects to the question and answer during the first episodes. While Hunter are to be the best, there are also times when the situation comes to worse and grave decisions need to be made (what to do and who to save). It's debatable but the decision could only be made when that time comes.
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