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Old 2018-06-03, 06:20   Link #3643
He Without a Title
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: The land of tempura
Originally Posted by TinyRedLeaf View Post
On point (1), I'd say it's not as though single East Asian men and women aren't indulging in casual sex. They're no different from people in other urbanised and industrialised countries. But I'm amazed that so many more children are born out of wedlock in Britain, which either means contraceptives are being used more regularly in comparable East Asian countries (I doubt that), or that the rate of casual sex in East Asia is dramatically lower than I'd imagine.
You miss one very big point. In western societies it has become completely acceptable for a couple to live together and raise a child without ever getting married. For effects of this statistic then those children would be born out of wedlock but not out of a conventional family. It also seems that, thanks in part to the poor economic state of modern young adults in general but also to growing disinterest, more and more people are forgoing officially tying the knot (in the west at least).

For asian societies on the other hand, you get your answer to this right on the article you linked:

Yet nothing seems to help. Marriage rates continue to slump across East Asia. It’s a pressing issue because in Confucian societies, no marriage often means no children, which could threaten a country's economic prospects and, arguably, its survival.
If most of your society views it as a moral mandate to not have children out of wedlock and if time, economics and other societal factors keep prevent people from getting married then you get plummeting birthrate. The only way you fix that is either by changing the accepted viewpoint to not having children being ok out of wedlock or to have an economic boom like in the 80s where people can just thrown themselves with reckless abandon into big life decisions
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