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Old 2013-11-29, 21:38   Link #33396
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Rosatrice is trying to make Rosa the gameboard culprit and the R-Prime culprit, right? I don't think she works very well for either. Under Rosatrice is it her writing the message bottles? If she is, why?

Incidentally, if there is an R-Prime culprit (which there may not be), I'm pretty sure it's Kyrie. We obviously don't have any real evidence, but all the data points we do have suggests that she is the one with the most plausible motivation and the best ability to do it (in addition to the obvious point about Eva).

Motive wise:
- She was raised to be a pitiless mafia leader
- She ran her business ruthlessly
- She is generally depicted as cold and calculating
- She once resolved to kill a largely innocent woman in order to get what she wanted
- There is an unbelievably terrible secret being kept from her, and learning it would probably cause her to snap

Ability wise:
- She almost certainly knew about Yasu's scheme, due to the fact that Yasu sent money to her house after the incident (she'd need her co-operation in order to leave Ange at home)
- She is generally presented as an extremely intelligent character, possibly the most intelligent on the entire island. This means she could easily have subverted Yasu's plan
- She was highly experienced in the use of firearms

It also works reasonably well thematically - if Battler had stayed around and gotten to know Kyrie as family, her anguish at learning Rudolf's secret may not have been as great. Also, Battler's return was probably what prompted Rudolf to reveal the secret, meaning that Battler coming back was what caused the murders.

So basically any other R-Prime culprit theory needs to try and at least match up to this amount of evidence. All of this stuff is fairly obvious, but I don't think we were given any real cause to challenge it in the later episodes (other than theories about no-one really being responsible).

Last edited by Leafsnail; 2013-11-30 at 08:45.
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