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Old 2013-01-30, 00:27   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 697 [manga]

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Spoilers are here! Credit goes to the folks at AP for the summary + translation:

-Chapter title is "Deal". The ministory involves the old lady chasing those soldier guys away from Caribou.

-Continuing from Law's flashback from the previous chapter, he tells Luffy that challenging all four of the emperors would be taking them too lightly, as they competed with Whitebeard for control of the New World. Furthermore, their target Kaidou is known as "The World's Strongest Creature". He also says that the chances of his plan to topple Kaidou being successful is 30 percent. Nonetheless, Luffy still agrees to the plan.

-Back in the current time, Law tells Smoker that there was no special purpose in sparing his life. He also apparently plans to go to a place called "Green Bit". The children are then taken aboard the tanker with the marines, and say their farewells (turns out the kids want to be pirates now and the marines find themselves fond of the Straw-Hats, though they try to pretend otherwise, heh ).

-Back in the middle of the ocean, Dofla is still flying through the air when he comes across a boat, which contains..... the heads of Baby-5 and Buffalo! Obviously, they're kept alive through Law's ability. Speaking of Law, he left behind a denden mushi on the boat, and tells his former boss that he not only has Caesar in his possession, but the bodies of Dofla's two subordinates as well. The senior warlord demands he return the bodies of his crewmen, and it's here that Law offers him a deal: He's well aware that Kaidou is his most important client, and that he would be in heaps of trouble with him if the emperor were to find out that he can't provide him with "Smiles" anymore. That being said, Law's deal goes as thus: He wants Doflamingo to quit the Shichibukai. Doing so would earn him the wrath of the admirals, but if he doesn't quit by the arrival of next morning's newspaper, then the deal will be cut off. This puts Dofla in a tight spot indeed, as he's very worried by this new turn of events....!!!!!

Whoa, now that's one hell of a blackmail that Law is pulling there, isn't he? So looks like that theory of him creating tension between Dofla and the yonkou was true, after all (as well as Kaidou being his primary customer). Speaking of Kaidou, his title of "World's strongest creature" reminds me of the Grappler Baki series (the titular character's father holds the same title, you see ). So I guess he's the current strongest pirate now that Whitebeard is gone.....

Still, I wonder why Law didn't leave Monet and Vergo on that boat too? Or I guess he assumes them dead? If so, that could bite him back in the ass later. Anyways, I guess "Green Bit" is going to be the next location for now. Really can't wait to see what happens from this point on...!!!
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