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Old 2011-04-28, 02:12   Link #37
fushigi ojisan
Join Date: Jan 2011
There was a science fiction story I liked as a kid: it involved sucking hydrocarbons from Jupiter's upper atmosphere to use on Earth.

BTW, the whole idea of oil companies somehow stifling solar power or whatever reminds me of the old "100 mpg carburetor that runs on water but squashed by big oil" stories. When I interned at some oil companies back in the mid-90s they were already big on researching alternatives to petroleum. I don't think they have some amazing replacement for oil locked away just so that they can profit from high gas prices. If they made breakthroughs in alternatives to oil they'd be the first to try to market them.

I also get tired of the demonization of oil companies whenever gas prices spike. Yes, they make huge revenues and profits, but everyone always concentrates on the absolute number rather than the profit as percentage of revenue. Energy drives everything in the economy so of course the absolute numbers are going to be huge. But it annoys me whenever the news media or politicians jump on the oil industry when gas prices shoot up. I guess it is easier to score points with the public that way rather than focusing on things like how quantitative easing is destroying the dollar and driving speculation and inflation, which in turn is one of the causes of instability around the world (along with rising food prices driven by that other boondoggle ethanol). I consider Bernanke, Geitner, and the rest of the banker cabal criminals with very real blood on their hands for what they're doing.
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