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Old 2010-06-13, 12:58   Link #10965
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
-becoming a billionaire starting from practically nothing
-owning a whole island in the izu arcipelago
-creating a 2km tunnel in that island and in all secret
-managing to keep a person from her birth till her adulthood (about 20 years in total) secluded in a secret mansion without incurring in any legal action despite the number of people involved.
-creating one of the most difficult riddle ever made and using it as a mean to decide the new family head
-becoming fluent in many different languages
-becoming one of the most knowledgeable person on western occultism (owning many incredibly rare books on the matter)

I think there are people in the real world who managed to do some of those things, but all of the above? I don't think so.

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