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Old 2004-11-24, 00:08   Link #12
Aria Company
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by Lord Raiden
I'm not saying that we should make everything free on the net, but we should definately encourage people to buy the products after they download them. IF you look at the leachers here at AS. About 70% (this is my guess because I don't have any hard facts, so take it with a grain of salt) of the people here who download anime from AS actually buy the anime series after they've downloaded it. I know I certainly have. Same with manga. I've honestly bought about 4-5x's more anime and manga since fansubbing and scanslating came around than before.
Hmm, I' can't honestly say I've bought a series that I would not have if I hadn't downloaded it first, with the possible exception of shingetsutan tsukihime. IF someone would license da capo, kanon, hikaru no go, or kgne, that would change though, as they are all series I wouldn't give a second glance to if my first encounter with them was on a store shelf. I also can't think of anything that I would have bought had I not downloaded it, especially since my car is taking up a good chunk of my money which I would have otherwise spent on anime. Now if I didn't buy a car, Im sure I would have put a lot more money in the hands of anime distributers, but when forced to chose between a car and anime the car wins. Personally I think they should give away free anime with the purchase of a car, so no one will ever have to make such a painful choice again.
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