Thread: Licensed Hellsing TV series
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Old 2007-01-17, 16:55   Link #74
Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
About any and every vilain characters really.
Incognito had no relevance to the story, no background, no goal, no personality, no interesting power, no rhyme nor reason. Even his appearance was half assed.
Umm...well, what is the story then? Because DID have a backgroung, a vampire from the dark continent, he DID have a goal, Total Destruction, he DID have a personallity, a personality that hated seeing Alucard revived, he DID have interesting power, he summoned a demon from Hell, (I dont know what you mean by "'rhyme' or reason"), and finally he DID have a relavence to the story, as Alucard continued to fight all these fake vampires he wanted to fight a real one, even the Valentine brothers disappointed him, so he DID get to finally fight a real vampire.

Originally Posted by Royal_Devil View Post
If you're talking about Japanese television then I'm not sure if Ultimate's aired or if it's a direct-to-dvd release. The anime did air on Japanese television though neither have aired on American television to my knowledge.

I don't see why more violence will prevent it from being dubbed. More graphic series has been dubbed, just not aired on television.
In the case of a show like an anime such as Hellsing, they depend on TV series to keep them going, otherwise they stop continuing it (in the other case that merchandise purchases are low).
I had heard before they stopped the continuation of Hellsing that not enough people were buying merchandise, it couldn't air on Eng TV, and Jap TV didn't want to air it, so they stopped because of funds.

Last edited by Hunter; 2007-01-17 at 17:14. Reason: Don't double post.
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