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Old 2010-07-07, 07:25   Link #13232
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error

Anyway this is what I found that could be useful to understand what happened:

That's right. So if you win against Beato, then on October 6, when the typhoon has passed, the people who were trapped on the island will return
This is Lambda saying it, but she's talking to Ange, so since Ange should definitely know if the typhoon was still there on October 6 it's very unlikely that Lambda is lying.
It can still be argued that the typhoon passed in the morning and was still active at midnight of October 5, but as I said it is just a lot easier to think the typhoon subsided around midnight, rather than thinking it just appeared to have subsided, then unleashed some kind of disaster and soon afterward vanished.

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