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Old 2006-06-08, 15:38   Link #289
Absolute Haruhist!
Join Date: Mar 2006
Age: 36
Parallel universes...

1. KyonxHaruhi - Highest chance.
2. KyonxMikuru - 2nd highest chance.
3. KyonxYuki - Good chance.
4. KyonxItsuki - Chances for success are near nil.
5. HaruhixMikuru - Moderate chance.
6. HaruhixYuki - Nil.
7. HaruhixItsuki - Low probability rate but still possible.
8. MikuruxYuki - Impossible.
9. MikuruxItsuki - Unthinkable.
10. YukixItsuki - Unbelievable, but theres hope.

11. MikuruxComputer Club President - The horror!!!
12. TaniguchixKunikida - Highly possible.
13. Taniguchi/KunikidaxAnyone else - Near Impossible.
14. TsuruyaxMikuru - Quite possible.
15. TsuruyaxKyon - Not quite possible.
No longer a NEET so I'll not be online as often.
Ignore gender and kick sexuality to the curb!
I'm a big mecha fan, who keeps playing the SRW series.
When I say 'My god...', god refers to Haruhi-sama.

My art album updated 11th May 2013, Science.
Deviant Art:
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