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Old 2006-04-06, 15:03   Link #26
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Ayuki committed her own cardinal sin of stepping onto the stage ... and at least from my take on it --- after flaming Hazumu without finding out the whole story, went down in flames: "I misjudged you." Yeah, Hazumu is wanting to keep both of them, but both Yasuna and Tomari seem too quick to think the other is breaking the pact... so goes insecurity. The other way out of this is for them to become so attached to each other that anything but a threesome is unthinkable. Monogamous relationships are by no means the only solution - just one that evolved from the patriarchal "one guy-several women" polygamy system. Some modern day (and many ancient tribes) raised children as a group --- who the genetic father was - was irrelevant (the tribe was the gene pool).

I think the three complement each other, whereas each twosome combo seems to be missing some elements.
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