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Old 2008-04-04, 00:24   Link #6
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
Well no actually during the episode where Euphie was readying the new museum of arts for Clovis, the curator noted to her that she couldn't select a certain painting because the painter was a quarter japanese(So what happens if the guy's 1/16th japanese?). To which she questioned why it was in there in the first place and he replied because it's a for show. Cornelia also noted to her that it's policy(or rather her father's) to differentiate themselves from the honorary britannians. If you want to change it you have to become emperor.

Technically speaking, Schenizeil is the first to disregard this policy and gave Suzaku equal opportunity to succeed but he and Euphie were allowed only because they are royalty so they are allowed some leniecy.

Though Suzaku is an extremely rare case, a one in a million so there will always be exceptions in those cases but I'm sure that honorary britannians still do not get the full benefits even if they do perform well in whatever they are doing. Though in R2 we'll see if the Emperor has changed it due to the black rebellion. With Suzaku as a Knight of Round it's a huge smack in the face on that policy.
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