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Old 2012-06-13, 06:49   Link #16
Absolute Haruhist!
Join Date: Mar 2006
Age: 37
Originally Posted by noktown View Post
Also it seems to me that most of the crew has a knowledge of Haki,not all of them might control it,but they know about it,in my opinion Luffy just assumed that Zoro and Sanji know Haki because they beat Caribou together,he doesn't know for sure about the rest of the crew.
So even if some them might not be able to use Haki yet,I'm sure their main goal these past 2 years was to develop a counter to the Logia guys,because they suffer the most from Logias.
A skilled Haki user can sense the Haki from others, as shown in many cases like:

When Shanks stepped on White Beard's ship, Marco sensed the Haki coming from Shanks and warned the weak ones to stay away.

The Kuja are very sensitive to Haki as its part of their culture and they can tell if one has Haki or not. They all sensed Luffy's Haki when he released it.

In Impel Down, Black Beard sensed that Luffy's Haki has improved and commented on it.

Haki may not be something tangible, but it can be sensed by those who control it.
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