Thread: Not Impressed
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Old 2004-05-14, 13:03   Link #17
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Montreal
Age: 43
Originally Posted by KingRanger
He banned me for "Insulting other AS members" but he allows his friends to do the same. And instead of admiting that this is what he does he covers it up by either insulting me or telling me to stop beating a dead horse. And yes NoSanninWa I know exactly why some people won't publicly agree with me,as I have allready stated to you,they are either your buddies as is the person you allow to get away with things others get banned for. Or they for some stupid reason are scared that you will ban them.
I won't go on any quest to make you say sane things here but why don't you go post on other forums since it seems nobody agrees with you on this one ?

And who is that exeption? Are you still there?? Why don't you post your counsel's speech with some proof or written fact??? this is stupid. Do it man. DO it! Right here right now show what you got!!! Nothing. Cause you have too much time on you hands and you waste hour time and yours. Just have fun and shut it cause all you'll gain by annoying members like me is complain about you to the mods and evetualy get perm-ban and you will have looked for it. I don't get it why Mods accept to be manipulated so much by a so simple image of your own truth. I just meen by that, that you won't put the effort of even doing it intelligently. You debate your own point of view by not providing us with any visual proof of your paronoya of the Mod corruption. Entertain yourself with something more clever then this!! Are you a habitual criminal or what ?? aiming for any autority??? I suggest you get over it, or Kill kingRanger's user name for good and don't come back. Have a nice day. Jojo.

P.S. Don't start your futur post with "You see!! You see!! I told you!" cause I don't give a.. *sigh*. Everybody sees the truth exept you.

Last edited by JOJOS'STAR; 2004-05-14 at 13:36.
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