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Old 2010-06-01, 05:43   Link #1114
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Decided to write this on a whim. Hope people enjoy it.
================================================== =======
Chapter 1

"Hamada squad, support the left flank."
"Roger. All units, formation sigma. Focus on the Ward squad at five oclock, we'll halt the enemy's advance here."

An Akatsuki Jikisan flanked by several Akatsuki flight types on both sides flew in perfect formation. In another time and place it would've been an impressive display of precision piloting but here on a battlefield without mercy they were nothing more than numbers without names or faces, fuel for the raging fires of war.
Explosions rocked all around Jiro Hamada but his face was the very image of calm. He had been here many times before, a seasoned veteran who had done his share of the killing in the name of rebellion against a corrupt empire, a war of independence. Someone else's war.

Jiro studied his displays identifying his target. A Vincent Ward, alone, overextended outside the protection of his comrades. Likely a new pilot with no combat experience, too eager for glory, too foolish. His grey eyes unblinking he manipulated the controls and took careful aim.

The Jikisan raised its left arm and pointed its double barrel hand gun at the unsuspecting target. Rapid flashes, an indistinct rattling and the Ward exploded with barely enough time to realize what had happened.

Inside Jiro's cockpit a proximity alert sounded. Jiro glanced at his side display, one...two Wards were charging his position with their guns letting off a hail of bullets. Comrades or friends perhaps of the Ward he just dispatched. They were charging recklessly at Jiro.

The bullets never reached the Jikisan, a blanket of red caught the rounds, stopping their movement before completely incinerating the bullets. Still the Wards continued their charge, discarding their guns now in favor of their MVS lances.

The Jikisan showed no reaction, floating motionless in the air. The points of the lances were within inches of the Jikisan now, ready to draw blood in vengeance.

In the blink of an eye, Jiro's Jikisan made its move. With one fluid motion it dashed to the side avoiding the lances while at the same time the right arm of the Jikisan, wielding the deadly Katen Yaibatou, raised and made a sweeping strike. The blade bit into the Wards and moved through with little resistance severing the enemy knightmare frames at the torso. The pilots of the Wards ejected only moments before their machines exploded.

"Captain Hamada! Ther-"

The transmission was cut off. Puzzled, Jiro adjusted his display to show the source of the transmission.

Jiro recognized the voice was that of Yuji Kanada, one of the pilots in his squad. Instead of seeing Yuji's Knightmare his display instead showed a dark smoke cloud. Jiro could make out the shape of a knightmare in the smoke as it started to clear but something was odd, its shape did not resemble an Akatsuki. Suddenly four darts with their own smoke trails emerged from the smoke cloud. Missiles. Missiles targetted at Jiro.

With a display of dexterity Jiro's fingers flew rapidly over the controls.

The Jikisan flew upwards and backwards at high speed and at the same time a covering slid open in the knightmare frame's air glide wing pack. The Jikisan launched its own missiles flying in a grid towards the approaching threat. The missiles collided in mid air creating a brilliant flash.

"Oh, I see you've got some skill. Then perhaps the Great Luciano Bradley can have some fun with you."

Something about the man's voice bothered Jiro. Jiro's usual calm demeanor and expression-less face shifted into a face showing a combination of anger and fear. A fear that was reinforced as soon as he saw the knightmare frame that was attacking him.

It was a strange machine, light purple in color, it wielded a large claw on its arm and a great horn protruded from his head. This machine was unlike anything Jiro saw before, but yet it seemed familar somehow. He had heard the name before, and he seemed to recall the description of the machine. Jiro's eyes grew wide, his heart raced as he suddenly realized who stood before him. A phantom from the stories, this knightmare frame, this man, Luciano Bradley, was none other than the Knight of Ten, the vampire of Britania.

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