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Old 2012-07-05, 09:58   Link #50
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
Chapter 673
That was not a bad chapter. Luffy, Robin, Law, and Smoker are pretty calm for being captured. Out of all the devil fruit users, why is tashigi (who has smoker's body) having a hard time in the sea stone? Luffy, Robin, and Law look like they are doing just fine.

Idiot move
Vergo putting Luffy, Smoker, Law, and Tashigi together was stupid. Either he is a strong fighter or he is under estimating Straw Hats, Law, and Smoker. This is going to be a huge regret waiting to happen if and when they get out.

The events of this chapter is turning out nice. If Vergo gets captured, true identity revealed, or dies (like Belamy), that would make Smoker the new and highest ranking officer at G-5. No doubt Smoker will get the credit for saving the kids and uncovering this mole (just like Alabasta). Joker (aka Doflamingo) has a lot riding on this arch. If it is found out that he has moles in the marines and WG, Fleet Admiral Akainu might not take kindly to this, him and the rest of the Marine never trusted the Pirate Warlords. WG might revoke his Shichibukai status. I also wonder how this whole fight will go between Vergo, CC Vs. Straw Hat, Law, and Smoker. Law's status is also in danger, his alliance with straw hat will not look good.
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