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Old 2009-08-09, 17:28   Link #830
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Age: 39
Not that I'm any less irked about Endless Eight, but I just thought of something when I thought of the telescope scene. When Haruhi reset time, was the reset localized around the our solar system (Mars would have to be reset at least, or the Brigade members would have noticed) or did it effect the entire galaxy or the whole universe? The main thing I'm not sure of is, if it was just that the Earth and the other planets were reset, when Earth returned it's particular position in orbit around the sun on the night of the telescope viewing, the sky would have appeared the same even if the time-loop was only localized. Or would there have been any noticeable changes in the stars themselves over the course of nearly 600? And even if they weren't noticeable to the naked eye, if the rest of the universe had been moving, wouldn't someone at NASA have noticed?

The reason this is so intriguing is, that if Haruhi even reset just our galaxy, her influence would have to travel faster than light to manipulate data hundreds of thousands of light years away. Then Haruhi would not only be able to trample all over Newtonian physics with the Tenshins, but Eistenian physics as well.
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