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Old 2006-08-30, 14:52   Link #14
Lord Raiden
Uber Coffee for da win!
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Middle of insanity
Well, given what's happening with this arc, I think that they are likely not going to get any closer to one piece, but instead pick up a new ship and a shipright/new member. They've also made Robin's membership into the crew official with this arc. So I expect that they'll start hunting for One Piece again in the next arc. If water 7 was the halfway point of the story, and there were 16 arcs leading in, one as the center point, and I'm going to guess 15 more leading out and one finalie arc, then we've likely only got 14 more major arcs after this before we hit the last and final arc. So roughly about 2.5 - 3 years of OP left given the current arc speed.

This of course assumes that you count the arcs like this:

* 1.1 Captain Morgan Arc
* 1.2 Buggy the Clown Arc
* 1.3 Kuro Arc
* 1.4 Baratie Arc
* 1.5 Arlong Arc
* 1.6 Buggy Side Story
* 1.7 Loguetown Arc
* 1.8 Warship Island Arc (Filler)
* 1.9 Laboon Arc
* 1.10 Whiskey Peak Arc
* 1.11 Coby/Helmeppo Side Story
* 1.12 Little Garden Arc
* 1.13 Drum Island Arc
* 1.14 Arabasta Arc
* 1.15 Stand-Alone Filler Arc (Filler)
* 1.16 Goat Island Arc (Filler)
* 1.17 Rainbow Mist Arc (Filler)
* 1.18 Jaya Arc
* 1.19 Skypiea Arc
* 1.20 G8 Arc (Filler)
* 1.21 Davy Back Fight Arc
* 1.22 Ocean's Dream Arc (Filler)
* 1.23 Water 7 Arc
* 1.24 Enies Lobby Arc
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