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Old 2010-05-09, 15:54   Link #133
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: UK/Canada
I throughly enjoyed this episode, maybe even more than the normal ones with the main cast.

As for the suggestion that Yamato nadeshiko types dont exist in the real world, i'd say that thats a little bit of an exageration, yes the characters in anime are at an extreme end of the scale but there are people out their that are like that.

One of the things that really struck me about this episode was that Ui, when it came down to is a mother, through and through she just doesnt have kids.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has met girls that for whatever reason cant help but act like a mother so they end up treating their friends like kids, not in a bad or creepy way mind its just they sort of end up taking on that role.

One of my R.A's on college was exactly like that, my friends and I used to go longboarding and inevitably we'd do something stupid and hurt ourselves and she usually ended up patching us up (cause she had the medical kit).

I dont know its kind of hard to put in words but you always got that vibe from her, she was born to be a mother.

Thats basically how I see Ui, the moment that really brought it home in this episode was at the sleep over where Azusa was venting how she was worried she'd be left out because she's missed out on what she felt was a really important bonding experience.

Ui changed the subject then made the moment completely about Azusa, asking her what she wanted to do tommorow, that scene felt more like a mother cheering up her daughter rather than a girl cheering up her friend.
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