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Old 2013-01-02, 09:37   Link #242
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Originally Posted by judasmartel View Post
So that's what the audience wants, huh? A protagonist so overpowered that not even the final boss can't touch him? A protagonist who only loses to a minor character we will never see again?

Granted, it's impossible to beat a GM without the system's help OR the player exceeding the system (through hacking or whatever) in real life MMO's unless the GM himself removes his invincibility flag, I'm going to give him that.

Deus Ex Machina or not, it does make sense plot-wise. But really? So that's what people want now? An protagonist that can't be beaten by anyone, even by the most powerful entity of the setting

Okay, who doesn't want that kind of protagonist? But defeating EVERYONE in one shot, including the Final Boss? Come on.
Well as Genji has already adressed your first sentence I'll leave it at that.

A protagonist who only loses to a minor character we will never see again?
Hmm, how should sb answer this question without spoilering everything?

Well with the least amount of spoiler, he doesn't win all his fights. If a second/third (that counting is somehow quite troubling for many people, so I use both xD) season will contain all LN Volumes I think of, you will see him loosing fair and square without any tricks.

Also what is a minor character for you?

I mean what was already shown is that Kayaba has quite much influence even after his defeat, so imo he can't be considered a real minor character.

I mean ofc he is no main character but he has definitly more revelance to the story that you are giving him.

If you mean sb else I offer my apologies, but then you should make it clearer who you refer to...

But defeating EVERYONE in one shot, including the Final Boss? Come on.
The problem is: if he didn't defeat him with his first try, he would be dead...
This is no shounen series in which the protag can challenge the antag again and again, getting better and stronger everytime, he has one try and if he fails his life will end.

In ALO he died while trying to conquer the World Tree alone, so your argument is already misproven by that scene, as he clearly didn't defeat everything with his first try.

But well that would be nitpicking, taking one scene out of the whole anime for counterarguing, but the point is:

Did you see him taking on sb equally strong totally on his own and winning?

The only times he accomplished that was in Red-Nosed Reindeer (RNR) and although the anime didn't emphasise it, that fight was just as close as the fight vs Gleameyes. Also that boss was no stage/floor boss he was more like an extra boss and those tend to be much weaker compared to the real bosses.

The other time was his fight vs Eugene, which he more or less only won because Eugene wasn't experienced in fighting against sb who is using 2 swords. In skill and strenth both were equal (which is btw another point which goes against Kirito being unreachable while being fair and square)

In all of his other major fights he needed that help from his friends to win:

Asuna, Klein, Agil and all other front liners for the first boss, Asuna and Klein + his guild + the army for Gleameyes, Asuna for Kuradeel, front liners for Skullreaper, Asuna again for Kayaba, Sugu in his fight in the cave, Sugu for fleeing after being defeated in his first attempt to conquer the World Tree, Sugu + Recon + reinforcements from Sylph and Cait Sith troops in his second attempt to conquer it, Kayaba in beating Sugou and with spoilers I could let the list go on and on...

The point is: He was never alone...he didn't beat everyone because he is just so overpowered and awesome, he beat them because of his friends and people helping him.

It was the over way round instead: whenever he tries to challenge sth on his own he fails as seen in ALO 2 times and to some extent aswell in SAO.

Although I have already written this, Kirito is by no means your hero or knight in a shining armor but many people tend to overlook this out of whatever reasons.
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