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Old 2009-06-19, 08:59   Link #140
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Exactly, she chooses her own ways while Layfon chosen his. You say circumstances, well Layfon 'circumstances' also what made him like he is, be it past or present. This is what Nina had failed judge thoroughly. Her stubborness to see or learn what others think. When finally faced with similar 'circumstances' she finally chickened out and realized what he had said, where all she can do is nothing but apologize for her previous errors.

If by doing her duty as a captain means also giving all her squad nothing but trouble with the risk being shot by the Kei-Ra cannon, then I will consider such 'duty' nothing more but as a fatal mistake.

About Jeanne, Lianne was in the wrong imo, while Nina and Layfon's case, is like I explained.
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