Thread: Licensed Mouretsu Pirates
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Old 2012-06-17, 01:35   Link #3162
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2007
Wait...wait I see what's going on here.

I'm going to give Quartz the benefit of the doubt that she's not (completely) stupid and has a few tricks. She reveals herself at the Council meeting and makes an offer to the pirates: riches beyond their wildest dreams and their lives in exchange for their ships and Letters of Marque. She points out how the Golden Age of Piracy has long passed and current pirates are little more than mostly actors trying to eke out a living.

She shows the footage from the Golden Cross attacks to intimidate them and shows production lines full of them. Quartz also mentions the Empire's attitudes towards pirates and says that no reinforcements will come if their fight goes horribly wrong. She knows not all of them will accept, but enough will go to her side to cause a rift and break the fledgling alliance. Quartz preys on the pirate's egos and exploits their love of money to gain an edge. She makes Marika look like a foolish little girl desperate to satisfy her own ego and power hungry whims.

And then Marika speaks.

She says it's not about money or power or glory: it's about freedom. The freedom to be in space and wander the stars. Marika asks whether it's worth it to be rich forever but never feel the joys of traveling the stars with their own crew or never going on adventures ever again. She appeals to their sense of adventure and wanderlust, saying pirates have survived a century due to their love of space. Sure, they could've gotten well paying jobs on a planet and be done with it, but they instead chose to continue their parent's livelihoods. She easily dismisses the Grand Cross, smoothly outlining its weaknesses and ways to counter it, saying if they could destroy one, they could destroy them all. Quartz points out that no pirate could stand against the Empire, but Marika counters by reminding Quartz that she herself said that the Empire would ignore them. Besides, they (might) have the Parabellum on their side, one of the most powerful pirate ships affiliated with the Empire. Quartz concedes and reiterates her offer before retreating. Marika asks the remaining pirates whether Quartz could offer food as good as the Chef. Everyone laughs.

If only.
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